Skyfall thoughts

I finally saw the new Bond movie on Sunday and I had mixed opinions about it.


1. I did like the house scene towards the end of the movie. How they planned it and executed it was pretty awesome, especially when Bond blew up the house with the dynamite. That was cool.

2. One of my favorite parts of the movie is when they brought back the Aston Martin. That is the greatest car ever and it was awesome to see it. However, it did suck that it got destroyed…

3. Even though I would have liked Silva better if he had killed one of his henchmen, he was still a pretty good villain. He was insane, yet a genius. The last scene with him and M was a little weird, but I could deal with it. Overall he was good.

4. I will say that the plot was good. It was easy to follow and the goal of Silva was pretty clear. I hate confusion so I liked what they did.

5. The action was pretty solid. Even at his old age, Bond still has some fighting moves. From the train to the last house scene, the action was there and pretty awesome.


1. As some people know, I am not the biggest Daniel Craig fan. Yes he might be tougher and more hardcore then some of the other Bonds, but I don’t really care about that. What I care about is elegance, semi funny puns, and getting chicks. One thing Bond is a master at is banging chicks. That might be a little blunt, but it is true. He is basically a chick magnet. However, Craig was not at all. Throughout the movie he had three little four second cuts where he would be making out with a woman. Is that all he can do? That is pitiful and he should be ashamed of how repulsive he is.

2. One thing Bond has to say in his movies is, “shaken, not stirred”, and he didn’t say that! How could that not be in the movie?

3. I though Silva was a pretty good villain, but there is one thing that would have made him better. What I wanted to see was him killing at least one of his henchman. That is what I love in a bad guy. He has to be so crazy and cruel that he is willing to kill one of his henchman. It would have made Silva way better.

4. Something that I didn’t like was Bond’s quick return after he “died”. I felt like he got shot, then the theme song happened, and then he failed at satisfying a woman. I know it said he was gone for three months, but I felt like they showed him too quickly.They probably should have put some scenes in between the theme and his return, but it is too late now.

5. The movie had way too many stupid little cuts. They would cut to Bond doing something unimportant for a couple of seconds then go back to the plot. For example, after he got shot they showed him making love to a woman for a couple seconds, then cuddling with her for a couple seconds, and then he walked to the bar. It was really quick and I just wasn’t a fan of it.

Overall this was a pretty good movie. It is not my favorite Bond movie, but it was still fun to watch. Skyfall is nothing compared to Goldeneye, which is the greatest Bond movie. I don’t want to get too much into it, but I will say they had the greatest bad guys in any Bond movie. Trevelyan, Boris, and Ourumov were great bad guys and that is the main reason why Goldeneye is super duper awesome.

This has nothing to do with James Bond, but I just have too say that I might be a quarterback beast. Today I played football and threw a bunch of td passes with 0 interceptions. I do have to give a shout out to RJ who was the best blocker ever. I don’t want to brag, but I might be on Jamarcus Russell’s level.